Follow The BPrime Journey
Follow The BPrime Journey
The world’s first natural immune-boosting antibiotic alternative which helps fight seasonal sickness symptoms at the source. Not intended to temporarily mask, cover-up or suppress symptoms, this high potency, nutrient-packed liquid formula is designed to quickly deliver full strength Prime Results!
Take at the first sign of symptoms. Taste the raw ingredients. Feel it working quickly. Experience the difference!
Nicole Stanford
My husband got the flu over the holidays and I started taking the Flu-B-Gone right away and I did not get the flu or any other colds for that matter.
Everyone around me was sick in my family! I am so thankful I had it and it worked! I also love the taste of it!
Everyone should have a bottle on hand to make sure they can stay on top of any infirmities.
Josh Parker
This is the real deal! My girlfriend and I were both sick with the flu. We live very active and healthy lifestyles so we don’t like to put a lot of foreign substances into our bodies.
We don’t usually like to take a lot of medications when we’re sick because we like to try to shake it off naturally. This was a great option for us!
You can absolutely taste all the natural ingredients. Once you take it it’s almost like you can feel them kicking in right away!!!!
Eric Gilbert-Orrego
This really works! My wife and I have both used it when we had flu or even cold symptoms and we could tell it was working in clearing up our sinuses.
The strong flavor is worth it to feel better. My wife even likes the taste of the peppers (she likes it spicy 😉 And when we woke up the next day we both noticed that we felt better with breathing and energy.
We keep it in our cabinet in case we ever start feeling sick so it helps get us healthy again quickly.
© 2021, Family First Health
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.